❌ In relation to people, people who feel the incessant need to always be right or think they're better than everyone else, judging others (especially picking apart their appearance, culture, gender, beliefs, religion, personality or abilities)
❌When people tailgate, cut others off, engage in road rage, don't use their blinkers, drive under the speed limit and don't go within a reasonable time after the light changes
❌Animal abusers and/or neglectors
❌ When people abuse/neglect or sexually assault children or women
❌ Excessively cold or hot weather
❌ Sweating/body odor
❌ Men who overly exert their dominance in a negative manner (especially yelling and belittling behavior - I have PTSD and it's very triggering to me
❌ Working a lot of overtime
❌ When people who are not customer service oriented that work in customer service - I'm considerably patient and kind unless a situation warrants me to act otherwise
❌ Bees
❌ Driving on the highway (I avoid it at all costs)
❌ When people who instigate things, cause drama or make assumptions/false accusations of others
❌ Backstabbers
❌ Excessive wait times on calls
❌ When people push their ideals on others
❌ Spam calls