Things Have Been Crazy This Past Week

I received a call from my father last Saturday and he's been struggling with some things - he gave me some news that I wasn't particularly happy about, but I won't get into the details because it's not my business to share.  My father-in-law is also going through it as well but again, not my business to share.  I'm keeping a check on the both of them and all I ask is that you keep them both in your thoughts and prayers at this time, please.  I'm still continuing to have a tough time over losing my mother-in-law as well.  It's going to be a difficult healing journey that I haven't even begun yet.

I didn't feel good the whole beginning of this week.  My stomach was so screwed up!  I felt super nauseous like the first 3 days of the week.  I'm back trying to focus on my self-care.  I'm still keeping up with my skincare routine and I've started back eating better again.  I'm just cutting back on my portion sizes and carb intake, increasing protein.  Due to how bad my back is, I'm trying to lose weight naturally with better food choices and portion control before I start any real exercise - I don't want to stress my back out too much.  My last fifteen-minute break at work, I've been walking around the building when it's nice outside.  Today I purchased a Cirkul water bottle and eight different flavor cartridges to go with it - so far, I like it!  I needed a better way to get my daily water requirements in.  My job requires clear water, so this is perfect!

I've also been watching weight loss TikTok videos to get some inspiration - and recently I've tried what's called "Hearts of Palm".  They have 17 different amino acids; they are a good source of protein and also have many different beneficial minerals in them!  

We have a heavy duty, professional digital scale in our locker room at work like you see at the doctor's office.  I've been taken my weight every now and again to gage my progress and I've lost three pounds this week!  I'm trying my best to get back on track with my self-care - it hasn't been easy, but it's totally been worth it!

Between not feeling well last week and having my head elsewhere, I made a lot of silly mistakes on what I worked on this past week at work, but toward the end of the week, I got better.  I've also been working on my relationship with God and trying to be a better person all the way around.  I'm working on cutting back on my cussing and eventually I want to quit vaping.  I'm on a little journey and to say the least, I'm definitely not mad at it.  It may sound selfish, no, scratch that.  Why do we feel guilt when it comes to taking care of ourselves?  It's done me a lot of good to focus on myself for a change and I shouldn't feel that it's selfish to do so!

I've also had a couple good conversations about religion with a couple of good co-workers these past couple of weeks and it's helped me a lot.  I'm glad that I have found people to have these kinds of conversations with without having offense come into play.

Jay's shingles are healing up good now - thank God!  He's out cutting the grass right now and then we are going over his dad's house and having an early dinner with him.  His dad wants to get subs so that's what we are going to do!  Then I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend with Jay.  Right now it's hard because we are working completely opposite schedules from each other - when I'm getting off work, he's just going in.  By the time he gets off work, I'm well into sleep land.  Hopefully soon we will be on the same schedule!  Just balancing everything while working 50 hours a week has been very difficult, but I'm managing.  Oh, I've also cut back on my caffeine intake as well.  I limit myself to one medium iced coffee a week which I usually get on the weekend.

Overall, things have been going okay.  I'm just trying to take one day at a time...

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