
Today was a productive day.

I deep cleaned the bathroom, did two loads of laundry, made Salisbury steaks, roasted potatoes (for Jay), butternut squash (for me) and french-style green beans w/ bacon.  Just got done taking a shower and now relaxing before bed.  The weekend was nice but went by too fast.  Jay had his buddy over to help us cut down the tree that snapped in half in our backyard; he's coming back next weekend to get the rest of the debris.  I did some work in my word search book yesterday.  My mother-in-law brought me those books when I was hospitalized for my back - I never really touched them.  I broke them out during Helene because we had no power, so it was something to do that didn't require electricity.  I've been making a point to do them more frequently because it's nice to have some "unplugged time" and stimulate your brain.

I received my mail-in ballot today and filled it out straight away - it's ready to be mailed!  It was very important for me to vote this year.  There is no way I could take four more years of this circus and pray with everything that I've got that we don't have to!  Well, that's it for today.  Time to go and relax for the night.  Here's to another work week!  Hopefully it's quick and painless!


Good morning.

The workweek was pretty decent.  I received an on-site interview request for Monday, October 21st at 2 p.m. for the QC I position, so that's pretty exciting - keeping my fingers and toes crossed!  Went out yesterday and got my oil and filter changed at the dealership and did grocery shopping.  I decided on making hamburger steaks this week for dinner.  Jason will get roasted red-skin potatoes and I will be doing butternut squash.  I brought some French-style green beans and will be adding bacon pieces.  We applied for the $750 FEMA assistance and got approved; already got the money, so that helps out a lot.  When I got home from grocery shopping yesterday, I helped Jay's dad apply for it as well.  Thursday night, we had the pleasure of seeing the Northern lights here in South Carolina - they weren't as strong as seeing them in the North but they were still beautiful.

Jay and I went out for Chinese food last night and watched the movie IF.  He also wanted to see The Beekeeper with Jason Statham, so I put that on for him.  I already seen it and tried to stay awake to watch it with him, but ended up falling asleep.  I'm going to see if he wanted to try the Boba tea shop near us this morning - they open up at 10:30 a.m. and then I want to make a quick run to Ace Hardware and get some flex tape (we have a hole in our vinyl siding in our carport), a small container of bleach (for cleaning) and a can of Rust-oleum primer so I can start prepping the 3D prints my cousin sent me for painting.  Other than that, not much going on this weekend.  We decided that this weekend was going to be a cozy, lazy weekend in.  I made an apple Cinnabon cinnamon bun dessert because well, Fall.  No, it's not on my diet, but it's Fall so that's my unjustified excuse and of course I'm going to watch Hocus Pocus again this weekend because, why not?

Other than that, just going to hang around the house and relax, do some light household chores here and there.  Oh, and my family in Florida is safe from hurricane Milton which I'm so incredibly grateful for - some people weren't so lucky.  My prayers continue for those affected by both Helene and Milton!


I did some odds and ends today.

I folded some laundry and put it away, organized my nightstand and went through my dads things finally.  It was definitely emotional to do that.  I don't have many things from him, but I guess I couldn't really expect much either.  One thing that I do wish I had was his sobriety chip that he got at rehab.  I think the investigators still have his phone, maybe wallet...I'm not really sure.  I called last month and the medical examiner still doesn't have a cause of death as of yet.  It was time to go through his things though and get rid of what doesn't need to stay in my house.

Yesterday, I helped Jay pick up some of the debris from the storm, did more laundry.  Friday I was able to get out and get groceries, cleaned out the fridge, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms.  I made myself some cabbage steaks for lunch yesterday as well.  After this post, I'm going to take a quick shower, make meatball subs on wraps for Jay and I - he's eating french fries, I'm eating zucchini fries.  While dinner is cooking, I'll do up the few dishes in the sink and probably just spend the rest of my Sunday getting myself ready for work tomorrow and resting in bed...perhaps dive into some reading before bed.  I'm trying to work on dreaming more - they say it's the "gateway" to the unconscious.  I'm still working on my inner healing, so it's something I'm curious about.  I was able to have a cluster of random dreams last night...but can't remember too much about them, at least nothing significant.

(This one is the neighbors yard)

I'm still about 95% pain free in my lower back.  If I do feel anything in my lower back, it's just very minor soreness.  I haven't got a muscle spasm in my back, well, that I've felt since the ablation.  We still want to go to Greenville, but we aren't sure the extent of the damage, so we are waiting a few weeks to attempt a visit up there.  I also had my phone interview Friday for QC I - the talent acquisition supervisor said that I will definitely be going through with an on-site interview, so after everything I've been through, fingers crossed!  


Helene's impact was widely felt across the Carolina's, especially in Asheville, NC.

Jason and I are okay.  We were without power from Friday morning at 5:52 a.m. until about 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, so about 86.5 hours.  It was a bit rough in terms of keeping our phones charged and the humidity but I consider ourselves extremely lucky considering that the power being out was our only inconvenience.  We had a medium size tree in our backyard uproot but no damage to our house or anything of that nature.  I just went grocery shopping yesterday as I've had to work this week but also, wanted to allow my refrigerator to get back to temp as well as make sure the power was actually going to stay on.  I went out fairly early (around 6 a.m.) because I knew with it being Friday and with more and more people getting their power restored, it was going to be madness out there.  I tried going to two grocery stores, but they were taking cash only.  I went to the bank and withdrew some money but could only get it in increments of $100 as that's all the ATM had left in it.  I was fortunate enough to get just about everything I needed - I also filled up on gas.  Anxiety came over me a bit as I endured these minor inconveniences because I began worrying about what it would be like in the weeks to come with stores, banks and gas stations being able to keep up with the supply and demand.  I found myself praying to God because I know he'd help me get through this but also expressed to him in the process that I felt guilty and selfish for doing so because in comparison, my situation was minor to those in Asheville.

My heart is truly broken for Asheville.  Roads, jobs, stores, banks, homes are gone.  Lives are gone.  The death toll is nearing 250 people and that's not even the ones who are still missing.  Rainbow bridge, where many clipped their late fur babies collars to symbolize them passing over rainbow bridge dog heaven is destroyed.  As the relief efforts progress, they are trying to also recover these collars in order to rebuild the bridge.  People have lost their children.  On TikTok, I seen an interview that a women did with the news.  Her, her parents and seven year old child were stranded on a roof top surrounded by water.  The roof eventually caved in and the water carried them away.  Her sons body was recovered, but I'm not sure about her parents.  She was in the water for five hours - she prayed and God told her to let go of the tree she was holding onto.  She realized that was her only chance at being found.  Once she let go and let the water carry her, a man had found her and rescued her.  I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through - my heart really goes out to her and the many others that are experiencing the same thing.

There were 1.5 million people without power in South Carolina alone.  My job didn't hold it against those who couldn't make it into work this week, gave out free bottles of water and ice to those in need and have also gave each of us 10 hours of volunteer PTO specifically for Helene if we wanted to donate our time to help those around us affected.  Some places of employment offered showers, meals and electricity to families of the workers who needed it which is also amazing.

In my prayers, I'm definitely keeping those significantly impacted by the storm at the top of my prayer list - I hope these people are able to find peace and resolution as they navigate this difficult time. 


Today was my first day back at work.  It was a good one.  I mostly focused on my work as I was a little rusty due to not being at work for the past two months or so, but I caught on rather quickly.  I was good today - I watched what I ate during lunch.  I had chicken cordon bleu, a few carrots, a few green olives and a side salad.  I prayed to God last night that he would help guide me through these next steps, transitioning back to work.  Prior to going on medical leave, I was oversharing the not-so-pretty aspects of my life (primarily my past).  It bothered me to do this because not everyone is for you and in that, it can become very problematic when you're trying to separate yourself from the collective and become whole; an individual.  I always wondered why I felt the incessant need to do this but the answer was right in front of me the whole time - I was subconsciously doing it through what was slipping through the cracks of my unconsciousness.  When you sit and think about it, it's ironic that it could be said that toward the end of the limbic, into the cerebellum is the "least" active or used part of the brain but why does it affect us so much and without us even realizing it most of the time?  Perhaps it's not the least active and/or used part of the brain - maybe it's more that we just don't think we use it or rather realize that we use it.  My secondary thought on that is why?  If God created us, why would he not give us access to use everything that we consist of, especially to use to our advantage?

Relatedly, we tend to physically store things that we aren't currently using and only take those things out when they are needed, including memories from our childhood and beyond.  We tend to correlate activeness with frequency but it could be that the impact matters more than the frequency?  Quality over quantity?  I wonder...

From the get-go, I agreed with Jung on his theory that tapping into the unconscious was indeed potentially dangerous and that was mostly due to that they call it the unconsciousness for a reason - there is a reason it was put there.  It's like a big basement and the door is locked with a bunch of chains wrapped around it and a huge padlock.  God knew that we would encounter evil in our lives and that it was inevitable.  It wouldn't be advisable to give a gun to everyone and expect there not to be significant consequences somewhere down the line.  There is a responsibility to owning a gun - you have to respect the intended use of it; you have to have a thorough understanding of how to use it and when to use it, otherwise, it becomes a danger more than a tool of protection.  God provided us with an internal safe to keep our weapon and it's up to us whether that means danger or protection.  He provided us a place to store everything dangerous, detrimental to us as a means to serve and protect us.  Provided we use a gun for its intended purpose, it doesn't get used much either - at least less than the most common reason. 



I didn't get to finish this post before Helene hit us, so I'm taking the opportunity to do so now.

Jason disagrees with me that the unconsciousness should be accessed or attempted to be accessed at all really.  He interprets this area of the psyche to be extremely dangerous and for the most part, has the same generic initial perspective that I do on it - that it's door is wrapped in chains with a huge padlock, except, he pictures a large creature like being barricading the door.  I get it - by human nature, we tend to be afraid of the things that are unknown.  I don't doubt that it could indeed be potentially dangerous, but I also think, provided you are in a stable enough mindset, that it could result in the greater good to do so as long as you throw yourself a metaphoric life-line to pull yourself back out.  So I beg to differ with him in the regard of accessing it.  Do I think everyone should attempt to access it?  No and that is why I used the relatable gun possession metaphor.

When I was younger, I always aspired to become a psychologist.  When my doctor asked if I thought about pursuing a degree in psychology, I was honored that he would think that highly of me and I even hung onto and pondered the idea for a little while.  Unfortunately, there are many reasons at this stage of my life that this has become more of a pipedream than a reality for me.  For one, I already owe on student loans from going to school for my associates in business.  Two, it costs on average, $200,000 to obtain a doctorate degree.  Three, how long it would take me to achieve it.  And lastly, I don't test well at all - my ability to retain information, especially in excess is poor.  I would love nothing more than to break the stigma behind psychologist and be the one of few who actually makes a difference to people.  If money wasn't an object, I think I would in the very least, try.  However, I can't jeopardize not only mine, but Jason's financial stability in that attempted effort.  Then if you look at it from an economical standpoint based off geographical location - even if Google's estimate is, lets say $150,000 per a year - that's not what you get right off the bat; that kind of salary takes years to achieve.  I'm 33 years old right now, add about seven years of school, about another five years to gain a solid foundation of experience - shit, I'd be 45 or closer to 50 years old before I even began to get anywhere with it on top of having to repay student loans.  That would only give me 20 years until I retire and chances are, I'd still have student loans to repay.  Work and school would be two full-time jobs for me for a very, very long time.  Considering everything I have been through in my life thus far, I think I'd rather live.  You can't take money with you when you die.  I have more of an appreciation for experiences over money anyway.  Then also jeopardizing being able to retire due to astronomical student loan bills, which furthermore, would make it nearly impossible for us to pay off our house and vehicle loans?  Sheesh!

You definitely have to weigh the pros and cons when thinking about taking on something that drastic in your life, even the ramifications if you don't succeed.  I feel that my business degree was more or less a waste of time and money.  College tells you, "Oh, you're estimated to make this fresh out of college" - bullshit.  I made just about three times the amount of money being a quality tech for a manufacturer (without a college degree) then someone fresh out of college.  So yeah, I have my opinions and qualms about college, but I digress for the sake of getting into the politics of it.  In short, I'm not looking to make ground-breaking discoveries in my research, but more so, just looking primarily to understand myself better and to achieve healing and evolution within my own self.

Happy First Day of Autumn

It's finally here and I couldn't be more happier - this is my kinda time of year!  I love the aesthetic of autumn foliage, the cooler temperatures, the way the air smells, apple cider, wearing leggings and long sleeves, pumpkin spice everything and cozy nights in.  I feel most in my element during autumn and I love to bake and cook more so in autumn than I do in any other season.  I definitely want to make it out to a farm this season for sure.  I've always wanted to go to Denver Downs Farm which is local to me.  They have two events that they are running this season - Pumpkin Nights and Ciderfest, so in order to get the most out of it, I think we will go on a Saturday that they are running both events; that would be November 9th.  Jason and I also want to go back to Singing Pines once it gets a little cooler out as well and take our pup with us to go walking.

I'm also looking forward to the Halloween movie line up.

Happy Fall, ya'll!


Well, today is my last day off before returning to work.  Jason and I went to Singing Pines yesterday afternoon which is part of Lake Hartwell - it was absolutely beautiful.  It's not the beach, but it was good enough for now until we can get to the beach next year.  I just wanted a tiny bit of peace and tranquility before I went back to work.  This was the perfect way to end my medical leave.

                                                                                                         Lake Hartwell Summer of '24

We are most definitely going to Myrtle Beach next year, even if I have to sell one of my kidneys.  We both very much need to get away.  We haven't been on vacation in about two years due to all of the events that have happened in our lives.  Next weekend, we are going to Greenville for the day.  We are going to visit the music museum.  I wanted to try a piano lounge type restaurant but next weekend is calling for torrential down pours and sometimes you have to park and walk a fair distance, so we decided on the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and dessert instead - that day my diet will definitely been blown but I will get right back on track, besides, we don't go out to eat much any more because of the fact that I'm on a diet.  Today was spent cooking for the week ahead, doing dishes and laundry.
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