Weekend Wrap-up: First Week at my New Job and Birthday Shenanigans

I had a wonderful first week at my new job!  I was in class the first two days and then the rest of the week I had to do training on the computer.  I only worked four hours on Friday, so I got an early start to my birthday weekend.  I finished all my computer training on Friday, so I start training hands on tomorrow.  The team lead says it takes a while before trainees are allowed to be on the main assembly of the product as we have to be signed off on each part of the assembly process of the product before we are fully released to main assembly.  

I'm so impressed by the company and how well they take care of their employees - they pay for medical, dental and vision in full.  They give you a complementary $50,000 in life insurance.  To opt for an additional $200,000 in life insurance only costs me like, $2.18 a week out of my paycheck.  The insurance is better than my last jobs insurance - I get my medications much cheaper.  I get 120 hours of PTO on my 91st day working for the company as well as accrue 7.33 hours on the first of every month which starts right away.  Bottled water, coffee (like 6 different flavors) is free, and the lunches are free as well.  They have an on-site doctor that is completely free to see and they offer the on-site doctors services to spouses and children 2+ years old and up.  They are working on building an on-site daycare of employee's children that will be free as well.  

All of it is really incredible.  Yearly performance review raises and two bonuses a year as well.  My particular position offers a $1,000 sign-on bonus as well.  The chairs we sit in at work are ergonomic chairs, so they are quite expensive...like, $700 a chair expensive.  I am having to work Friday's for now as the company has a huge back order to fill but it won't be forever.  The OT money will help me play catch-up anyways and I'm still out by 4:30 p.m on Fridays and have the weekends off so I'm okay with it...besides, I'm sitting down for my job all day...😂

The meals are pretty good for the most part.

My birthday was Saturday - I'm 32 now!  Jay took me to the Melting Pot for lunch/dinner.  It was our first time eating there and it was such a wonderful experience - I truly enjoyed myself!

I made American Chop Suey with salad and garlic bread for our dinner for the week.  I bought a few pairs of pants at Burlington that are super cute and only spent like $38!  I got all my household stuff done early this morning and spent the afternoon working on a painting I've been working on.

I did this painting in memory of my mother-in-law.

Overall, I had a great first week of work and a wonderful birthday weekend.  Next weekend, Jay and I are going over dad's house for dinner.  Next weekend will be a difficult weekend as it's mom's birthday...she would have been 67...I miss her so much every day...

(What I made for dinner for the week)

Jay has an interview for a higher position at his work tomorrow!  I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to wrap this up and go lay down - 4 a.m. comes early!  Have a great week everyone!

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