Weekend: Craziness Over the Last Several Weeks

I was without a computer for almost three weeks, so that's why I haven't posted.  I was having issues with my computer to where I could barely use it.  I was having power issues, BSOD's and constant freezing and restarting.  Long story short and an extremely frustrating time later, Dell finally got it fixed.  I needed a new screen, power adapter and motherboard.  Thankfully I didn't have to pay for the motherboard because that was replaced when I had to send the computer in a second time due to still having issues with it.  I've been out of work since July 30th and have already undergone my first diagnostic procedure to have a lumbar ablation done.  I'm out of work until September 23rd.  I have my next diagnostic procedure next Tuesday.  Then the ablation on the 17th of September.  I've been seeing the chiropractor just about once a week.  The pain management doctor gave me some diazepam to help me through the next two procedures because the first one hurt like hell - he said that was most likely due to the fact that my back has became worse in the last two years or so and there is most likely more inflammation which can make the procedure more painful.  All in all, this is what I have found out is wrong with my back:

➖  Military neck w/ a couple slipping discs
➖ Scoliosis (Spine pulling to the left)
➖ End of L3, totality of L4, L5 and S1 is facet joint hypertrophy
➖ Burr on one of my vertebrae
➖ Degeneration of some discs
➖ Burr on one of my hips
➖ Hips are not even 

Then talent acquisition from my job e-mails me and tells me that they thought I did really well on the interview for QC II but informed me that level II was being placed on hold due to staffing and business needs and wanted me to apply for QC I.  I would love the position but unfortunately, I'm locked out of all things work related until I return to work.  So discouraging!  It is what it is though - I need to take care of my health first.  I'm still doing okay on my diet.  Other than that, Jason finally went for his neck CT and doctor said that he doesn't see any signs of cancer which is good.  He said he will further discuss the results at his appointment.  I have a podiatry appointment on Thursday and my 6-month breast ultrasound on Friday to follow-up from my biopsy.

But other than that, just trying to get some much needed rest.

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