Weekly Wrap-up and Weekend Wind-down

Well, the weekend is just about over.  I don't have Monday off for Labor Day.  Jay has tomorrow and Tuesday off.  Thursday, I went for another toenail removal surgery.  The right foot is done - just have two more to go on the left foot.  Jay and I went to Lowes Friday morning and purchased our GE Profile One and Done washer and dryer combo unit.  We got it delivered and installed today around noon which was nice seeing as how our delivery window was estimated between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.  Jay had to dissemble our cabinets above the washer hook-up area so that the unit would fit.  Jay's dad is going to help build me a laundry folding station across from the new unit seeing as how we don't need that space for a dryer anymore!  We are going to take down the paneling on the walls in the laundry room and paint, then we need to get materials for Jay's dad to build the table.  Jay also wants to paint the kitchen cabinets, walls and trim so he asked me to pick out the colors for that as well.  We are also going to get new hardware for the cabinets and drawers.

I think I'm going to go with these two colors - the color "cosmos" for the wall paint and the color "peppercorn" for the trim for the laundry room.

And then for the kitchen and dining-room, going with the color "cream in my coffee" for the walls and the color "black bean" for the trim.  Will probably do the cabinets in "black bean" as well as use the color "cream in my coffee" to paint the trim in the design of the wood in the doors.  

I didn't really get to rest this weekend much.  I was too busy getting shit done in the house to prepare for the delivery and had to cook for the week.  Laundry is just now getting done as we only just got our new unit today.  I had to work on a customer's custom phone case this weekend too.  I wanted to do a cookout for Labor Day and also go to the hot air balloon festival in town and see Martina McBride, but I didn't get that far unfortunately.  Between the migraine and homeowner stuff - I guess that's life.  I had a killer migraine just about all weekend.  I subscribed to Amazon Kindle, so I've been reading a bit this week and weekend which is something I've been wanting to do more of.  I will be reading some books and doing reviews on them.  In another post, I will be revealing which books I will be reading in the month of September, one of which I already started.

I guess next weekend I won't be getting much rest either between attempting a redemption Labor Day cookout and having to go to Lowe's to look at materials to do more homeowner shit.  Yay!  It will all be worth it in the end though!  Jay and I are SO ready to get this house the way WE want it, especially after having lived in it for 7ish years.  There are so many things we want to do in this house, but that's another post for another day.

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