Weekly Wrap-up: Sorry Guys - Been Feeling Drained This Week

I meant to do more posting this week, but I've just been so exhausted and still healing from toenail removal surgery.  I left work early on Wednesday due to my toe hurting and took today off from work because my toe just really needed to be out and away from socks and shoes all day to get air to it.  My podiatrist wanted me to switch from triple antibiotic ointment to iodine and holy shit - that stuff is expensive!  The ointment is just locking in too much moisture and delaying healing.  I was able to manage some small household chores like dishes, folding laundry and sweeping today.  I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow after Jay leaves for work.  The week was kind of dragging this week at work and by Wednesday, I had zero patience left with my toe bothering me.

I picked up this cute little notebook while I was at Walgreens today that I'm going to use either for notes I want to take on the books I read or to make lists of things I want to buy and/or redo in our house...or maybe both!  

I'm starting to think more and more what I want to do for my business.  I ordered some materials to do easier, cheaper in price (not cheaper in quality) phone cases.  I'll still do the decoden upon customer request, but they are definitely pricier than what most people are wanting to pay, so I want to come up with a more affordable way to make custom phone cases that are also less labor intensive.  I just got done making this one for a customer.

I'm making two more decoden ones for myself.  I already did the drip down the sides.  Not sure when I will get to the decoden and laying down of pieces.  Like I said, it's a bit labor intensive so I need to be able to dedicate time where I feel good enough and have the ability to focus on them.  I prefer the look of the decoden to the sealed resin ones that I'll be doing, but these decoden ones range from $45-60 per case.  The resin sealed ones will be around $25-30 per a case, so about half the price.  I show my customers each step of the process before I make anything permanent on these cases because I want my customers to LOVE them.  Speaking of which, I was taking a video clip of the custom drip I did down the sides of this case to show my customer and when I replayed the video, I saw an orb fly through.  I decided to pause it on the orb, screenshot it and zoom in.  See if you can see what I can.

Do you see a woman in the orb?  I see my mother-in-law in it!  Isn't it crazy, yet beautiful?  What a sign!

Lastly, I bought these beautiful earrings from my co-worker from her Paparazzi Jewlery business!

So far it sounds like Jay may have Saturday off from work - I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I've really been missing him.  I'm looking forward to spending quality time with him.  Last weekend we had so much stuff to do between ordering our new washer/dryer combo to waiting on the delivery to Jason needing to dissemble part of our cabinet in our laundry room so the unit could fit. Not to mention, I felt like crap all weekend last weekend, dealing with a migraine headache, so I slept most of the weekend.  With not having really felt good this past week and having had issues with my toe healing from surgery, I'm just trying to get what I can done that needs to get done and then spend the rest of the weekend relaxing with Jay and our fur babies.  We were supposed to go to Lowe's with dad this weekend so we could pick out supplies for the laundry room remodel but that will have to wait until things settle down a bit.  I have another surgery coming up this Thursday, so I'll be down and out again.

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