Things I've Started Implementing in my Weight Loss Journey

Good Saturday morning, y'all!

Today I want to discuss what I've changed so far in my daily routine to become a healthier version of myself.  I'm on a weight loss journey among several other journey's that I'm taking at the moment.  I've lost 4 pounds since Monday!  Here's what I've been doing:

Breakfast: Either a Premier Protein shake or Two Good yogurt w/ Kodiak rolled oats, chia seeds, a drizzle of pure honey and fruit of your choice - I've been doing strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.  I will also opt for scrambled eggs at some point whether I make a little omelet or put them in a carb smart wrap for a healthy breakfast burrito.

Lunch: I've been doing either roast beef, rotisserie chicken or chicken salad on a carb smart wrap with lettuce, onion, light mayo and provolone cheese.  For a side to that, I like to either cut up a fresh bell green pepper and smear some light cream cheese in the halves or slice up some cucumber and add a little bit of white distilled vinegar in place of salt and vinegar chips!

Dinner:  Last week, I did Philly cheese steak bowls.  This week, I'm making a 93% lean turkey meatloaf w/ French style green beans.  Jay's going to have mash potatoes but I'm opting for a healthier alternative and doing mashed cauliflower or butternut squash.

Snacks: Cashews, Italian ice, Halo Top ice cream, crab meat, dill pickles and hard-boiled eggs.

I also brought some frozen baby shrimp and Daisy cottage cheese singles.  I made a fresh pitcher of iced green tea.  I still do drink Coke Zero but I'm trying to phase that out for more water and green tea intake.  I drink 2% milk.   I've also done peanut butter and banana on a carb smart wrap when I'm not too hungry but want the protein and potassium.  I also keep my refrigerator stocked with Premier Protein shakes and you can totally blend sugar free pudding mix into those shakes to give you some variety on flavor!  Yes, I still have sugar in moderation and guess what?  I STILL go out to eat - we did Subway one night, Chinese last night and tonight, we might possibly do Hibachi.  It's all on what you eat and how much you eat of it.  Sure, could I have potentially lost more weight if I didn't go out to eat and I cooked solely at home?  Probably but depriving yourself sets you up for failure and I still lost 4 pounds this week which is still above the recommended amount of weight loss per a week.

Here's a few meals of what I ate at lunch at work:

And I also like to keep stuffed clams in my freezer because I absolutely love them w/ some hot sauce!

Here's what I ate from Chinese last night:

As far as exercise goes, I'm only using my weighted hula-hoop for about 15 minutes every other day because I'm still battling back issues and I'm about to go through a series of treatment for my back so I'm trying to keep exercise very light and minimal for right now.  The only medications I've been taking is my birth control and my medicines to control my back pain - so far, my blood pressure has been staying normal! 

Late Afternoon Update and a Very Tired Tinisha

I made a pitcher of fresh brewed iced green tea.  Am I winning at this healthy thing yet?  No?  I didn't think so.  I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I had a last-minute doctor's appointment this morning to devise a plan with my family doctor about the time I'm going to need out of work to go for medial branch blocks on my lumbar region of my back, eventually an ablation and a whole lot of chiropractic adjustments in between.  I came home and made a few phone calls between my employer's FMLA rep, doctors' offices and such.  At some point, I spoke briefly with my mom and gave her an update on everything while making a chicken salad wrap that consisted of chicken salad w/ grapes, bacon pieces, lettuce and provolone cheese on a carb smart wrap.  Oh.  Did you catch how I pointed out that it was a "carb" smart wrap - see what I did there?  I also sliced up a bell green pepper and smeared some low-fat cream cheese on them and sliced a hard-boiled egg into half.  That was my lunch.  For dinner, I ate two stuffed clams with Sweet Baby Ray's hot sauce on them.  I've been dealing with a few headaches lately (not literally) metaphorically but don't really care to get into the specifics at this time.  Did I mention that Jay got around to lowering our bed finally?  My back is thanking him for sure on that one.  Other than that, I putzed around the house for the remainder of the day - did some dishes, used my weighted Infinity Hoop for about 4-5 songs worth from my Spotify playlist (roughly 15 minutes), did some work in my shadow-work journal.  I was really skeptical about that journal, but it's helped a bit.  I'm only halfway through the book.

I made me some overnight oats so I can bring them to work with me in the morning for breakfast before I stumble into work - a cup of berry flavored Two Good yogurt (2g of sugar), rolled oats, chia seeds, a touch of honey, blueberries and strawberries sliced into quarters.  I also got me a tumbler filled with some iced green tea so I can just grab and go.  I don't like to do anything extra in the mornings that I don't have to because it's already bad enough that I have to wake my ass up at 4:30 a.m.  I have my first chiropractic appointment July 12th which will consist of consult, x-rays and my first adjustment.  I don't go for my first around of medial branch blocks until July 30th.  I'm learning through doing some inner soul searching and working in this shadow-work journal that it's time for me to finally set boundaries and stick to my guns in terms of finally making time to take genuine care of myself.  I want to feel healthy for the first time in my life and I want to discover who I am for what is the very first time as well.  I came to the realization that I never got to meet myself due to everything that I have been through in my life.  But now that some of the heavy burdens in my life have been laid to rest, I can finally do what I need to for myself.

I just need to get through all these procedures so I can get my back in order so that I can truly begin to get my life on track.  I have my phone interview coming up this Friday for the quality position I put in for and I'm super excited for that!  Anyways, I'm going to get ready to take my night meds and knock out - 4:30 a.m. comes early and my Cali girl is ready for night-nights with her momma.  😴

Things From the Weekend and my Week Ahead

I had a very busy weekend.

Friday, my new refrigerator was delivered, and I was sweating bullets that the unit was not going to fit in our house.  The Home Depot delivery crew were miracle workers and even though they did have to take off the pull-out deli and freezer door to get it in, they finally got it all installed and up and running.  I'm so incredibly pleased between the installers and the quality of the actual unit.  I went grocery shopping early Saturday morning and admittingly, I had so much fun putting my groceries away!

Isn't it lovely?  The lack of food is due to the fact that I had to buy groceries again for the first time, that I'm on a healthier eating plan that includes reducing intake and my job also feeds me free lunch every day.  Peep the cat rug that my mom gave me that I put in front of my fridge!  Any who, the tech that started installing our security system was supposed to come back on Saturday morning and finish up installing the last three camera's but supposedly, he was involved in an accident on the high-way where an 18-wheeler side swept him.  I have a customer service rep calling me at some point later this morning to reschedule that appointment as the scheduling department is closed on the weekends.  I was able to get my house back into a reasonable state after having the refrigerator delivered and such.  I woke up very early yesterday morning, so I got up and did laundry, washed all the pet beds, vacuumed, did dishes, scrubbed a stain out of the coffee table area rug from one of the pets having an accident.  Jason finally got around to lowering our bed for me.  Because of my back issues, I had a hard time getting in and out of bed.  We went to Lowe's yesterday afternoon because Jason was trying to find a new part for a part that broke off of our lawn mower's deck.  I wanted to look at outdoor area rugs for internal purposes - I want to put a water-resistant area rug where I put Rebel's pee pad but also at the area where the cat's litter boxes are.  To say the least, I will be purchasing from Amazon for those because I'm not paying out the ass for a rug.  We also needed to buy a light switch toggle as the delivery guys accidentally hit one of my light switches and snapped off the switch - no big deal, they cost $.85 cents to replace.

We went over his dad's house to get the food out of his refrigerator that he was letting us keep in there while we were in the process of getting a new fridge.  Then yes, I was so exhausted that we ended up getting Burger King for dinner, but to be fair, I had a Premier Protein shake for breakfast and two pickles for a snack prior and I got the bare minimum at Burger King - a chicken sandwich and a fry.  Usually, I would order something to the effective of two sandwiches and two fries.  I have today off as I have a doctor's appointment.  I'm hoping I can combine the consult and the chiropractic adjustment all in the same appointment today so that I can get some much-needed pain relief and I can conserve the remainder of my PTO.  I took today off as a regular scheduled PTO day, so in case I need my FMLA for recovery purposes, I'll have it.  I have a few trivial things to do this morning before my doctor's appointment like put up a few clothing items, clean a few dishes in my sink and clean the bathrooms.  I'm trying to get that done before my appointment so I can rest afterwards.  I'm going to be making some Philly cheesesteak bowls for our dinner tonight.  Between trying to eat better, trying to reduce the amount of medication's I'm on, working on my mental health and trying to get my house in order - though stressful at times, I feel that I'm working toward being in a pretty good place in my life.  I have my phone interview for Quality Inspector II this coming Friday and I already typed up my notes for my interview - I'm just praying it goes well.  I know if it's in God's plan, he will see it through for me, but I really do need and want this after everything I've been through.  I hope I have some good luck for a change because man, when I tell YOU I've been going through it...



Life Update

Good afternoon,

I had just returned to work after taking a week off for my birthday.  I had only been back to work for a week when I found out on 5/30 that my father had passed away.  I'll spare all the details on that because quite frankly, I've had to repeat myself so much to so many people on what had happened with my dad's passing and how the arrangements were going to go that I've exhausted myself.  My father had a lot wrong with him both physically and mentally - unfortunately, it was his time to go.  As far as my long-term past and my most recent past as it pertains to him, I've officially laid it to rest along with him.  Jay and I spent about a week up in Rhode Island taking care of things with that.  He went back to work right away while I took an additional week off to recoup and handle a few additional things I had left on my plate, including my consult with the neurosurgeon.  That consult was a complete waste of my time.  The doctor doesn't think I'm a candidate for surgery at this time and apparently won't think so any time soon.  He wants me to return to "conservative measures" which frustrates me only because I've been doing "conservative measures" for the past 9 years to no avail and the pain has done nothing but get worse!  So, I'm going to have another consult with the spine and pain center I seen about three years ago and tell the doctor everything that's been going on, including what the neurosurgeon said and go from there, I guess.  The neurosurgeon is also not giving me any restrictions at all - "listen to your body, it will let you know"...

(My father - Keith)

(Rainbow that we seen on the drive up to Rhode Island)

Well, I tried using my infinity hoop again for just fifteen minutes or so and my back has been out of commission ever since.  Our refrigerator shit the bed after about two days being back in town, so we had to order a brand-new fridge that won't be here until Friday of this upcoming week.  So, I've been living off of peanut butter and pickle on a carb smart wrap and soup for lunches and we've been going out for dinner.  I'm trying to eat healthier despite not having a refrigerator at the moment, so I opted for a chicken finger salad with honey mustard last night.  I've had the shittiest luck since my father passed away.  My father had no money (no 401k, no life insurance, no savings, nothing in his checking) to take care of his arrangements, so I had to front my bill money which I was able to get some assistance through family and friends, but I still need about another $600 to get me out of the red with my bills.  My job has an employee relief fund program, but I got denied because apparently, I can borrow up to $9,000 out of my 401k - ugh, no way!  I'm not even bothering with general public assistance because he'd have to make under $377 a month to qualify for that and he was getting far more than that in his disability check.  Not to mention, the gas money we spent getting up there, driving around up there and back - plus the expense of food.  Now we had to dish out additional money for a refrigerator!  Talk about shitty luck, huh?

(Chicken Finger Salad - Man, was it delicious!)

(All cleaned up and ready for the new one to be installed!)

(This is the refrigerator that we decided to go with!)

On top of that, I was in the middle of job bidding with my employer.  I had originally put in for Textile Supervisor but had withdrawn the application because a position for QC Inspector II had been posted a few days later and I felt that my ability and skills matched more closely with QC Inspector II than that of a Textile Supervisor.  Well, they were going to interview me for the supervisor position, but I haven't heard nothing back on the QC position yet, so I'm not sure how I feel at the moment.  My current supervisor was trying to make sure that I was going to receive the same process as everyone else who applied because I couldn't help my circumstances.  I even reached out to talent acquisition to make sure of that and they assure me that my application was in the process of being considered.  Hopefully I'll find out more soon because right now, I'm trying not to assume or have feelings of disappointment towards it.

Through it all, through everything; I just want to take some time to myself, some much needed time.  I'm going to take time to relax and heal among other things like organize my house better, eat better, consult with my doctors as needed, try to cut out more bad habits, incorporate low-impact exercise, game, read a book or two, blog - things of that nature.  I do eventually, when I can afford it, purchase a memorial necklace for both my mother-in-law and father.  His will have his ashes in it though; she was buried.

Other than that, here are just a few more pictures from being in Rhode Island that I'd like to share.

(We got to visit our mom's grave (Mother-in-law to me)

(My cousins and I💗)

(Jason and I)

Oh, and this one - just because I thought it was ridiculously cute!

(What a daddy's girl!)

To My Father Who Has Passed On



This is where my journey with you ends.  I really don't want to sit here and write a big, lengthy post about the past, my feelings and/or thoughts as it pertains to our relationship.  Plain and simple, I've spent enough time suffering from trauma and turmoil.  There's nothing you can do to hurt me anymore, so there is literally no point in sitting here wallowing in self-pity.  I'm free now.  Though I'm still working out some internal kinks, I forgive you.  I'm not going to put myself through the unnecessary of trying to dissect and pick apart the past and wonder why.  There will always be questions that I will never have answered, and I've come to terms with that.  After all these years (virtually my whole life), I deserve to heal and to discover who I am for what is the very first time.  I've never had a chance to meet the real me, let alone know the real me.  It's a complete and utter waste of time to worry about the past because it can't be changed.  Life is already short enough as it is.  I've let the darkness of what was consume me for far too long.  I know you have suffered greatly yourself and struggled with many things in your life, but I assure you, you were not alone in that.  I won't sit here and keep score of who had it worse because that's something that you will have taken to the grave with you, and I think that may be punishment enough.  You have plenty that you need to answer for.  Do yourself a favor and let go.  Let it all go.

I'm still here and I deserve a chance.  A chance to be happy.  A chance to find the real me.  A chance to love and be loved.  A chance to release the demons I've been harboring all these years.  A chance to heal the very broken person I once was and to turn all this bitterness into something beautiful.  In my heart, I want to learn how to trust again, love myself and others, pass no judgements, be kinder, more patient with myself and with others; minimize anger, anxiety, frustration, negativity, sadness - pretty much anything that no longer serves me for the greater good.  I want to focus on myself for a while.  I deserve to.  And when I feel like I have reached a reasonable position in my life and I'm able to, I want to give back and pay it forward because in my heart, that's apart of who I believe I truly am.  So, I'm choosing to take all of this and change my future for the better, one day at a time.  I've always been a firm believer that age is not was matures you, it's not something that makes you wiser - your life experiences, what you take from those experiences and your will to reflect and make the necessary changes in order to be the best version of yourself is what matures you.  Nothing in life that you encounter guarantees growth, maturity or a spot for you up in heaven to enteral life, no matter the complexity or severity of those encounters.  All we can do is the best that we can with the life we were given, accept the lord into our heart and lives as our savior and continue to strengthen our relationship with him every single day.  He's the only one that we have to prove ourselves to.  This process is never ending.  It's something you continue to do throughout your entire life.  You never stop learning and going through trials and tribulations.  This body that we are in was only given to us so that we could find our purpose and carry that purpose out until our job here on earth is done.

Some of us were sent here to teach other's a lesson, whether good or bad.  God gave us free-will when he created us and while none of us are free from sin, he put us here as an ultimate test.  He wanted to see what we would do with this life we were so graciously given.  He didn't expect us to be perfect.  He didn't expect us to make mistakes and maintain a life completely free of sin, but rather, wanted to see what we would do with what he threw at us in life.  We all were given different challenges and with that, different levels of complexity and severity of those challenges, some more difficult than others.  One thing I know about our God is that he doesn't turn his back on us, no matter what - even when we ourselves turn our back on him and we were all put here for a different purpose from each other.  Some of us are here longer than others and that's because God is the only one to decide when it's our time to leave this life whether it be because our job here is done or for other reasons in which God only knows.  

Personally, my journey with God is very unconventional from most.  I chose a different path in my relationship with God.  I don't put a label on my relationship with him (Catholic, Christian, etc...) and I don't go to "church" because to me, that's all artificial.  Just because you give yourself a label and go to church doesn't mean anything.  I take from all different sources of information, beliefs, aspects, perspectives, whatever have you and I follow my own path to God based off the purity of what my heart tells me to do.  Like when doctors tell you to "listen to your body, it will let you know...", I also believe the same with our brain and our heart.  I believe that all the truths to life are stored right in our very own bodies through the brain, heart and the blood of Christ that flows through our veins.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he created us.  So, we don't have to look no further than right within our very selves for the answers that we seek.  The judgements of others are not what we should fear. The judgement of God should be our ultimate fear for he is the only judge.  I think we all fear time and time again if we are passing the test that God has given us and in that, we won't truly know until we our body is laid to rest, our soul is given back to God and judgement day arrives.  Like I previously mentioned, all we can do is walk beside Christ in our daily lives and do the best that we can until that day arrives.  Though we won't truly know until that day arrives, I believe spiritually, that God will always let you know if you're on the right path and when you fall off that path, I also believe God will guide you back where you belong if you so choose to accept his guidance.

Those are my beliefs and I see no need to get theatrical with them or push them onto others.  Some will read this and form their own opinions and judgements, but only those of God's are what truly matter - all else should be disregarded.  Those who truly matter while we are here will accept you for who you are despite their own devices, beliefs or opinions and no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.  Between me and my relationship with God, I know my intentions are pure.  He and I both know my level of passion, compassion, humbleness and all the above.  None of us a perfect, including myself.  Speaking for myself, I know there is a lot of work that needs to be done both internally and externally - so in all actuality, I'm working on two journey's - the one with God and the one within myself.  There is God's will and then there is my will.  He knows that I will still fall off from time to time, but I know and believe in my heart through his never-ending love and mercy, our journey as well as my own journey will sync up as one in the end.

With all of that said, I leave you with this.  I hope in my heart that you did make it to heaven and if it's God's will, you will have made it there, maybe reincarnation will be a thing for you - who knows other than God himself.  No matter what the case may be for you from this point on, the advice and guidance from me (your daughter) is no longer within my duties - it ceased to exist from the point of your passing.  May your body and soul rest in peace.  I love you unconditionally, dad.  Thank you for trying to be the best dad you could be considering everything...oh and happy Father's Day, dad.

Here's a broken father's prayer I found to share with you:

Heavenly Father, please heal the heart of every hurting father who reads this blog post today. Father’s Day reminded them of their painful losses, of what they don’t have anymore. Their children’s choices, behaviors, and issues changed everything. They’re crushed. Broken.

These dads were their son’s first hero. Their daughter’s first love.

Pride keeps them from being honest about their feelings with themselves or anyone else. They’ve got to be strong, hold everything together. Not wanting to look weak, they say they’re “fine” when asked. They work hard to pretend they’re okay, when the truth is they feel dead inside. But no one knows. No one but You, Lord. Help them forgive themselves for not being perfect. Remind them no one is. Convince them this is true. They feel responsible. Guilty. Angry. After all, they were the dad. They thought their job was to make sure their son or daughter grew up to fulfill their dreams, to have an amazing life. But those hopes have been dashed. They’re broken. Gone. They’re lost to addiction, mental illness, and a host of other issues. They’re frustrated to be powerless, unable to fix the problem. Weren’t they supposed to be able to solve anything? The hurt from all that’s lost is more than he can bear.

These dads grieve deeply. Their losses feel the same as a death. God, please comfort their hearts over not being able to protect their daughter, over not being able to keep their son safe. All they wanted was to keep the bad away. To make everything okay again.

They tried with all their might. They gave their best. They loved well, but they couldn’t do it.

Teach fathers everywhere how to surrender. Show them the way to detach with love and release their child to Your care.

Renew their hope. Rebuild their lives. Strengthen their faith to trust You, the father of all mankind.

Show Yourself as a wonderful Counselor, gentle Shepherd, and Prince of Peace.

Pour down healing oil. Give them beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, and peace for despair. (Isaiah 61:3 NIV)

Peace. For. despair.

In the beautiful, healing name of Jesus, I offer this prayer for every hurting dad.


Note: Take what you will from this prayer, but it can be seen in two different aspects.

Your daughter,


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