Things I've Started Implementing in my Weight Loss Journey

Good Saturday morning, y'all!

Today I want to discuss what I've changed so far in my daily routine to become a healthier version of myself.  I'm on a weight loss journey among several other journey's that I'm taking at the moment.  I've lost 4 pounds since Monday!  Here's what I've been doing:

Breakfast: Either a Premier Protein shake or Two Good yogurt w/ Kodiak rolled oats, chia seeds, a drizzle of pure honey and fruit of your choice - I've been doing strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.  I will also opt for scrambled eggs at some point whether I make a little omelet or put them in a carb smart wrap for a healthy breakfast burrito.

Lunch: I've been doing either roast beef, rotisserie chicken or chicken salad on a carb smart wrap with lettuce, onion, light mayo and provolone cheese.  For a side to that, I like to either cut up a fresh bell green pepper and smear some light cream cheese in the halves or slice up some cucumber and add a little bit of white distilled vinegar in place of salt and vinegar chips!

Dinner:  Last week, I did Philly cheese steak bowls.  This week, I'm making a 93% lean turkey meatloaf w/ French style green beans.  Jay's going to have mash potatoes but I'm opting for a healthier alternative and doing mashed cauliflower or butternut squash.

Snacks: Cashews, Italian ice, Halo Top ice cream, crab meat, dill pickles and hard-boiled eggs.

I also brought some frozen baby shrimp and Daisy cottage cheese singles.  I made a fresh pitcher of iced green tea.  I still do drink Coke Zero but I'm trying to phase that out for more water and green tea intake.  I drink 2% milk.   I've also done peanut butter and banana on a carb smart wrap when I'm not too hungry but want the protein and potassium.  I also keep my refrigerator stocked with Premier Protein shakes and you can totally blend sugar free pudding mix into those shakes to give you some variety on flavor!  Yes, I still have sugar in moderation and guess what?  I STILL go out to eat - we did Subway one night, Chinese last night and tonight, we might possibly do Hibachi.  It's all on what you eat and how much you eat of it.  Sure, could I have potentially lost more weight if I didn't go out to eat and I cooked solely at home?  Probably but depriving yourself sets you up for failure and I still lost 4 pounds this week which is still above the recommended amount of weight loss per a week.

Here's a few meals of what I ate at lunch at work:

And I also like to keep stuffed clams in my freezer because I absolutely love them w/ some hot sauce!

Here's what I ate from Chinese last night:

As far as exercise goes, I'm only using my weighted hula-hoop for about 15 minutes every other day because I'm still battling back issues and I'm about to go through a series of treatment for my back so I'm trying to keep exercise very light and minimal for right now.  The only medications I've been taking is my birth control and my medicines to control my back pain - so far, my blood pressure has been staying normal! 

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