Late Afternoon Update and a Very Tired Tinisha

I made a pitcher of fresh brewed iced green tea.  Am I winning at this healthy thing yet?  No?  I didn't think so.  I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I had a last-minute doctor's appointment this morning to devise a plan with my family doctor about the time I'm going to need out of work to go for medial branch blocks on my lumbar region of my back, eventually an ablation and a whole lot of chiropractic adjustments in between.  I came home and made a few phone calls between my employer's FMLA rep, doctors' offices and such.  At some point, I spoke briefly with my mom and gave her an update on everything while making a chicken salad wrap that consisted of chicken salad w/ grapes, bacon pieces, lettuce and provolone cheese on a carb smart wrap.  Oh.  Did you catch how I pointed out that it was a "carb" smart wrap - see what I did there?  I also sliced up a bell green pepper and smeared some low-fat cream cheese on them and sliced a hard-boiled egg into half.  That was my lunch.  For dinner, I ate two stuffed clams with Sweet Baby Ray's hot sauce on them.  I've been dealing with a few headaches lately (not literally) metaphorically but don't really care to get into the specifics at this time.  Did I mention that Jay got around to lowering our bed finally?  My back is thanking him for sure on that one.  Other than that, I putzed around the house for the remainder of the day - did some dishes, used my weighted Infinity Hoop for about 4-5 songs worth from my Spotify playlist (roughly 15 minutes), did some work in my shadow-work journal.  I was really skeptical about that journal, but it's helped a bit.  I'm only halfway through the book.

I made me some overnight oats so I can bring them to work with me in the morning for breakfast before I stumble into work - a cup of berry flavored Two Good yogurt (2g of sugar), rolled oats, chia seeds, a touch of honey, blueberries and strawberries sliced into quarters.  I also got me a tumbler filled with some iced green tea so I can just grab and go.  I don't like to do anything extra in the mornings that I don't have to because it's already bad enough that I have to wake my ass up at 4:30 a.m.  I have my first chiropractic appointment July 12th which will consist of consult, x-rays and my first adjustment.  I don't go for my first around of medial branch blocks until July 30th.  I'm learning through doing some inner soul searching and working in this shadow-work journal that it's time for me to finally set boundaries and stick to my guns in terms of finally making time to take genuine care of myself.  I want to feel healthy for the first time in my life and I want to discover who I am for what is the very first time as well.  I came to the realization that I never got to meet myself due to everything that I have been through in my life.  But now that some of the heavy burdens in my life have been laid to rest, I can finally do what I need to for myself.

I just need to get through all these procedures so I can get my back in order so that I can truly begin to get my life on track.  I have my phone interview coming up this Friday for the quality position I put in for and I'm super excited for that!  Anyways, I'm going to get ready to take my night meds and knock out - 4:30 a.m. comes early and my Cali girl is ready for night-nights with her momma.  😴

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