Things From the Weekend and my Week Ahead

I had a very busy weekend.

Friday, my new refrigerator was delivered, and I was sweating bullets that the unit was not going to fit in our house.  The Home Depot delivery crew were miracle workers and even though they did have to take off the pull-out deli and freezer door to get it in, they finally got it all installed and up and running.  I'm so incredibly pleased between the installers and the quality of the actual unit.  I went grocery shopping early Saturday morning and admittingly, I had so much fun putting my groceries away!

Isn't it lovely?  The lack of food is due to the fact that I had to buy groceries again for the first time, that I'm on a healthier eating plan that includes reducing intake and my job also feeds me free lunch every day.  Peep the cat rug that my mom gave me that I put in front of my fridge!  Any who, the tech that started installing our security system was supposed to come back on Saturday morning and finish up installing the last three camera's but supposedly, he was involved in an accident on the high-way where an 18-wheeler side swept him.  I have a customer service rep calling me at some point later this morning to reschedule that appointment as the scheduling department is closed on the weekends.  I was able to get my house back into a reasonable state after having the refrigerator delivered and such.  I woke up very early yesterday morning, so I got up and did laundry, washed all the pet beds, vacuumed, did dishes, scrubbed a stain out of the coffee table area rug from one of the pets having an accident.  Jason finally got around to lowering our bed for me.  Because of my back issues, I had a hard time getting in and out of bed.  We went to Lowe's yesterday afternoon because Jason was trying to find a new part for a part that broke off of our lawn mower's deck.  I wanted to look at outdoor area rugs for internal purposes - I want to put a water-resistant area rug where I put Rebel's pee pad but also at the area where the cat's litter boxes are.  To say the least, I will be purchasing from Amazon for those because I'm not paying out the ass for a rug.  We also needed to buy a light switch toggle as the delivery guys accidentally hit one of my light switches and snapped off the switch - no big deal, they cost $.85 cents to replace.

We went over his dad's house to get the food out of his refrigerator that he was letting us keep in there while we were in the process of getting a new fridge.  Then yes, I was so exhausted that we ended up getting Burger King for dinner, but to be fair, I had a Premier Protein shake for breakfast and two pickles for a snack prior and I got the bare minimum at Burger King - a chicken sandwich and a fry.  Usually, I would order something to the effective of two sandwiches and two fries.  I have today off as I have a doctor's appointment.  I'm hoping I can combine the consult and the chiropractic adjustment all in the same appointment today so that I can get some much-needed pain relief and I can conserve the remainder of my PTO.  I took today off as a regular scheduled PTO day, so in case I need my FMLA for recovery purposes, I'll have it.  I have a few trivial things to do this morning before my doctor's appointment like put up a few clothing items, clean a few dishes in my sink and clean the bathrooms.  I'm trying to get that done before my appointment so I can rest afterwards.  I'm going to be making some Philly cheesesteak bowls for our dinner tonight.  Between trying to eat better, trying to reduce the amount of medication's I'm on, working on my mental health and trying to get my house in order - though stressful at times, I feel that I'm working toward being in a pretty good place in my life.  I have my phone interview for Quality Inspector II this coming Friday and I already typed up my notes for my interview - I'm just praying it goes well.  I know if it's in God's plan, he will see it through for me, but I really do need and want this after everything I've been through.  I hope I have some good luck for a change because man, when I tell YOU I've been going through it...



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