
I did some odds and ends today.

I folded some laundry and put it away, organized my nightstand and went through my dads things finally.  It was definitely emotional to do that.  I don't have many things from him, but I guess I couldn't really expect much either.  One thing that I do wish I had was his sobriety chip that he got at rehab.  I think the investigators still have his phone, maybe wallet...I'm not really sure.  I called last month and the medical examiner still doesn't have a cause of death as of yet.  It was time to go through his things though and get rid of what doesn't need to stay in my house.

Yesterday, I helped Jay pick up some of the debris from the storm, did more laundry.  Friday I was able to get out and get groceries, cleaned out the fridge, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms.  I made myself some cabbage steaks for lunch yesterday as well.  After this post, I'm going to take a quick shower, make meatball subs on wraps for Jay and I - he's eating french fries, I'm eating zucchini fries.  While dinner is cooking, I'll do up the few dishes in the sink and probably just spend the rest of my Sunday getting myself ready for work tomorrow and resting in bed...perhaps dive into some reading before bed.  I'm trying to work on dreaming more - they say it's the "gateway" to the unconscious.  I'm still working on my inner healing, so it's something I'm curious about.  I was able to have a cluster of random dreams last night...but can't remember too much about them, at least nothing significant.

(This one is the neighbors yard)

I'm still about 95% pain free in my lower back.  If I do feel anything in my lower back, it's just very minor soreness.  I haven't got a muscle spasm in my back, well, that I've felt since the ablation.  We still want to go to Greenville, but we aren't sure the extent of the damage, so we are waiting a few weeks to attempt a visit up there.  I also had my phone interview Friday for QC I - the talent acquisition supervisor said that I will definitely be going through with an on-site interview, so after everything I've been through, fingers crossed!  

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