Sunday Funday: Got Things Done and Relaxed

On Friday, we finally tried to light the pilot light on the hot water tank after having a cracked pipe repaired a few days prior.  Thank God - after a few tries, we finally got it lit and had hot water when we got home after almost two weeks of no hot water.  It was crazy trying to get an appointment with a tech because they were so backed up due to the freak freeze that we had.  It felt good to finally take a proper hot shower.  I called dad before I went into work on Friday, and he said mom is doing fantastically better - I was SO happy to hear that!  FINALLY, some GOOD news after two months of hell.  I worked 2-10 Friday due to one of our auditors being out, so I filled in for her.  It was nice getting off the same time as Jay on Friday.  I'll more than likely work 2-10 tomorrow too because she will still be out.

Saturday, we went to the grocery store and picked up a few things, came home and got some chores done.  Today I finished going through my dresser, put some clothes up and cleaned out my laundry hamper that I have on wheels.  I had a decent rest of the week at work - it went smoothly anyways.  There's not really much to talk about in this post as it's been a quiet remainder of the week.  I have therapy on Tuesday then we have mom's care plan meeting with the rehab facility Wednesday.  Hoping on another good week.  I'm slowly going to start work on eating healthier and eventually quit vaping as well.  I was skeptical but therapy is actually going well and for the first time in a while, I can honestly say that I can feel that I'm less stressed.  I'm not where I want to be, but it's become a lot better.

I'm going to start slowly working on going through our spare bedrooms - they need to be gone through.  We kind of just use them as storage so I need to see what can be tossed, donated, etc...

Trying to minimize a lot in my life this year so I can live more comfortably and deal with less stress.

[ Can totally relate]

Oh yeah, I started my vitamins back up this week too.  I'm remembering to refill my pill reminder box when I should.  I'm learning to slow down and take things day by day.  I'm learning that a lot of my constant state of anxiety is unnecessary and is causing me extreme harm.  Through practicing breaking down my thought processes, it's helping me realize that I over worry way too much, and I can let a lot more go than I thought I could.  I still have a long way to go, and all of this is definitely easier said than done, but one day at a time will get me there.

I also took off my old nail polish from last week and put some new polish on. 👍

Going to make this week a good one!  If you change your perspective to a more positive one, I promise that your life will really change for the better. 💚

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