
Today's been a long day for sure.  I woke up about six this morning and got some things done around the house, so that I wouldn't have to do anything when I got home from my procedure and I could just get some rest.  I've been sleeping like shit these past couple of nights, so I'm definitely looking forward to getting some much needed sleep tonight.  I've been focusing on self-care and putting together a structured routine, so that when I return to work, I can keep doing what I'm doing in order to improve both my mental and physical health.  I've also have taken up a interest in psychology lately - more specifically, the human psyche.  So, I've been doing some self-guided research into several different areas of that topic and referring to the work of past, highly respected psychologist such as Carl Yung and Sigmund Freud.  It's definitely a complex, loaded topic for sure.  I've been primarily focused in the different parts of the brain (how they work, more from a mental than a physical aspect), the parts of the human psyche (ID, Ego and Super-ego), consciousness, pre-consciousness, sub-consciousness and unconsciousness.  Unfortunately, when it comes to the mental, most of it is very subjective including the life-long workings of Yung and Freud - a lot can be left to open to interpretation there.  I often struggle with the subjective because I desire objectiveness - what is concrete which could be said to be a human flaw.  We can only scientifically back what we can see and prove.  Obviously, things like scans can show defects in the brain that lead to diagnosis such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Dementia and other forms of brain damage but there is much left to be desired in terms of scientific facts when it comes to general mental health disorders and we go more based off symptoms than what we can actually see - which in turn can be extremely tricky in nature due to the fact that a lot of symptoms one can experience that cross over into several different realms of disorders and that is why most people often get misdiagnosed.  When I find myself in a more appropriate, comfortable place, I will write more on my thoughts of this topic.

Moving forward, the procedure went well.  I did experience moderate discomfort with it as to be expected really.  The process of the ablation is slightly different than the diagnostic procedures.  It follows more or less the same technique but it definitely more intense.  The needles injected are slightly bigger in diameter due to needing to place probes inside of the for the purpose to transmitting the RFA currents to the surrounding medial nerves that send signals to the pain receptors.  I asked prior them them beginning, what I would experience in terms of what I would actually feel.  The doctor asked if I've ever been stung by a bee.  I haven't.  He said, "Well, you're about to experience six bee-stings but I'll talk you through the entire process."  Yeah, that didn't feel too good and neither did the adjustment of the needles.  He started on the right side and then went to the left side.  The "bee-stings" he referred to was the numbing agent - they numb you pretty darn good if I do say so myself.  Then they test the probes which feels similar to that of a tens unit and after that, they run the RFA which kills the nerves for the better part of 7-12 months.  I didn't feel that part at all and didn't even realize that we were finished before I knew it.  I didn't even realize when he had taken all of the needles out!  I do have to repeat this procedure about once a year as nerves do regenerate over time.  There is some moderate soreness that will be expected over the next few days as the numbness wears off.  He said, no heat - only ice if needed.  I still take my pain meds but am hoping as I heal from this procedure, that I can ween off of them and get to the point that I no longer need them.  I also hope to incorporate exercise into my self-care routine very soon.  I'm down another pound for a total of twenty-one pounds which is more than I've been able to accomplish in a long time - it's been trying for sure having issues with my stomach.

Here are some of the things I've been eating lately.

Other than that, my cousin has been working on printing me some 3D creepy dolls and she is going to send them to me so I can paint them!  I'm so entirely excited for this new little project of mine.  The primary set is Alice in Wonderland featuring Alice w/ rabbit, Mad Hatter and Cheshire.  She also printed me some Alice in Wonderland inspired stacked teacups and a few other creepy doll variations such as Wednesday Addams, Little Red Riding-Hood and a clown.  This is definitely going to be a fun little project!  For the remainder of the week, I'm going to try and get back into my normal work sleeping schedule so that waking up at 4:30 a.m. won't be as brutal come Monday...


I've been watching some movies on Amazon Prime Video lately to fill the gaps in-between my day, primarily when I eat lunch.  I've watched quite a few good ones - Four Good Days w/ Mila Kunis, My Fault w/ Gabriel Guevara and Nicole Wallace, A Rainy Day in New York w/ Timothee Chalamet,  The King of Staten Island w/ Pete Davidson and Remember Me w/ Robert Pattinson.  All very well done movies!  Among my favorite were My Fault and Remember Me, especially My Fault.  Matter of fact, they are in the works of producing a sequel to My Fault that will be coming out on Prime on December 27th called Your Fault.  I'm so entirely excited and then there will be a third called Our Fault.  If you're into romance, it's definitely for you!  Another good one I watched was Raising Voices also w/ Nicole Wallace and Gabriel Guevara.

I've also been conducting research on the shadow self to better understand it all.  It's definitely a complex topic.  I shutdown mentally when Jason's mom passed and then when my dad passed, though there was a grieving process that took place for both, they were different from each other.  Losing her made me feel isolated, even paralyzed at times both mentally and physically.  With my dads passing, I discovered a keen interest in philosophy.  Other than that, I've been gaming here and there to destress and have also been working on organizing my spare room.  Once I have reached a point that I feel satisfied with in my research, I will continue on with my thought process and writing as it pertains to the grief project that I'm working on.  I have the chiropractor tomorrow as well as grocery shopping to do.  Tuesday is my final procedure - the ablation.  I see my primary doctor that following Friday to follow-up and have him fill out my fitness for duty form, so that I can return to work on the 23rd.

Not much else is going on here.

9/10/24 Tuesday Catch-up

I've decided to disable Blogger from auto stamping the date on each of my blog posts because I felt like it would limit my creative freedom to write.  I want to decide how little or often I'd like to express my thoughts and don't need to be reminded of either instance.  I will decided going forward when I want to date my posts and if its relevant or not to do so.  In this post, I want to catch up on what's been going on with me.  

I've had my second set of diagnostic injections on Aug. 27th in preparation for my lumbar ablation that will be happening Sept. 17th.  My expected return to work date is Sept. 23rd, so long as everything goes as planned with my ablation.  The second diagnostic procedure went much better, though still uncomfortable.  Doctor prescribed me a couple of Diazepam to take post-procedure which helped relax me considerably.  I also have it to take for the ablation as well.  Jason and I went to see Beetlejuice 2 and tried a restaurant that was new to us - Electric City Pizza Co. in downtown Anderson.  He had a pepperoni pizza calzone and I tried their cheeseburger taco as well as their samurai taco.  We ordered chips and queso for an appetizer.  I didn't particularly like the cheeseburger taco but otherwise, the food was pretty decent.

(I felt so pretty this day)

The week before, we did a cookout for Labor Day - we invited Jay's dad over but unfortunately he ended up not feeling too well and went home right when the food was just about done.  Food came out good though!

I've been working in my spare room some, trying to get it better organized and get rid of shit I don't need anymore.  I finally brought myself to unpackage all of my dad's statues.  I wanted to make him a memorial display, especially to have an appropriate place to keep his remains.  This is what I came up with.

I'll most likely change it around a bit, but I just wanted somewhere for them to go for now, so they were up and out of the way until I can get better organized.  I also did this in the other corner...

I've also been chatting with one of my cousins who has been dabbling in 3D printing and have been nagging her to print these for me...

If anyone knows me, I love Alice in Wonderland with a great passion!  I think I've decided that I'm going to have her print them in white matte filament so I can paint them myself - add my own personal touch to them.  Besides, I want to switch up some of the coloring from what you see here.

Lastly, this past Friday when I went to the chiropractor, she gave me this positive saying and I couldn't resonate with it more.  It's something that I'm actively working on each day in fact.  But that's all that's been going on here lately.  Other than that, Jason has some doctor appointments coming up for some things that he has going on.

Shadow Metamorphosis (A Self-Written Poem)

 I once walked in front of a shadow that was not mine

A burden of self-depreciation that was truly undivine

Living in a world of black and white

A constant battle I was trying to fight

The color was draining from my veins

There is nothing like these kinds of pains

Things I would not wish on my worst enemy

These demons were no friend to me

I was scratching the bottom, trying to find a way out

But the only thing that filled my mind was despair and doubt

My heart was shattered, my wings were broken

A whole lot of words that were left unspoken...

I forgot how to love and I could not fly

This life of mine was passing me by

Time escaped me and before I knew

I was slowly turning into a version of you

A version of you I never wanted to be

I had to figure out how to be set free

I never had the chance to get to know the real me

Because that shadow of yours would never let me be

You once said "When I created you, I created evil"

From that point on, this would not be a sequel

I responded, "If you created evil, then you must be the devil"

You thought you could break me, you thought I would tremble

But let me just tell you, you were nothing that special

You see, I was long broken before you got to me

My soul was still mine in which you did not hold the key

I started a journey you knew nothing about

One to wonderland that with you I would go without

The day you left this earth, I was set free

Your shadow is no longer hindering me

The color is slowly returning to my veins

And with time, I will extinguish all of these pains

I want you to know that I have forgiven you

And that you should probably forgive yourself too

I once was a caterpillar, but I have formed a cocoon

I will morph into a beautiful butterfly very, very soon

A chance to know the real me, with no traces of you

Colors of all ranges, brightness and hue

My flame will be ignited for what will be the very first time

Believe you me, will it burn bright - Lord, will it shine

You tried to convince me that I was born into evil

But I was not a fool, I was not that feeble

I was born into Christ and that is MY sequel

Lord Jesus Christ is my one true lord and savior

He died on the cross to make sure I do not repeat your behavior

Metamorphosis is filled with such beautiful things

It is time for me to repair these broken wings

The ability to fly I will without a doubt regain

Farewell for now, until we meet again...

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