9/10/24 Tuesday Catch-up

I've decided to disable Blogger from auto stamping the date on each of my blog posts because I felt like it would limit my creative freedom to write.  I want to decide how little or often I'd like to express my thoughts and don't need to be reminded of either instance.  I will decided going forward when I want to date my posts and if its relevant or not to do so.  In this post, I want to catch up on what's been going on with me.  

I've had my second set of diagnostic injections on Aug. 27th in preparation for my lumbar ablation that will be happening Sept. 17th.  My expected return to work date is Sept. 23rd, so long as everything goes as planned with my ablation.  The second diagnostic procedure went much better, though still uncomfortable.  Doctor prescribed me a couple of Diazepam to take post-procedure which helped relax me considerably.  I also have it to take for the ablation as well.  Jason and I went to see Beetlejuice 2 and tried a restaurant that was new to us - Electric City Pizza Co. in downtown Anderson.  He had a pepperoni pizza calzone and I tried their cheeseburger taco as well as their samurai taco.  We ordered chips and queso for an appetizer.  I didn't particularly like the cheeseburger taco but otherwise, the food was pretty decent.

(I felt so pretty this day)

The week before, we did a cookout for Labor Day - we invited Jay's dad over but unfortunately he ended up not feeling too well and went home right when the food was just about done.  Food came out good though!

I've been working in my spare room some, trying to get it better organized and get rid of shit I don't need anymore.  I finally brought myself to unpackage all of my dad's statues.  I wanted to make him a memorial display, especially to have an appropriate place to keep his remains.  This is what I came up with.

I'll most likely change it around a bit, but I just wanted somewhere for them to go for now, so they were up and out of the way until I can get better organized.  I also did this in the other corner...

I've also been chatting with one of my cousins who has been dabbling in 3D printing and have been nagging her to print these for me...

If anyone knows me, I love Alice in Wonderland with a great passion!  I think I've decided that I'm going to have her print them in white matte filament so I can paint them myself - add my own personal touch to them.  Besides, I want to switch up some of the coloring from what you see here.

Lastly, this past Friday when I went to the chiropractor, she gave me this positive saying and I couldn't resonate with it more.  It's something that I'm actively working on each day in fact.  But that's all that's been going on here lately.  Other than that, Jason has some doctor appointments coming up for some things that he has going on.

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