Shadow Metamorphosis (A Self-Written Poem)

 I once walked in front of a shadow that was not mine

A burden of self-depreciation that was truly undivine

Living in a world of black and white

A constant battle I was trying to fight

The color was draining from my veins

There is nothing like these kinds of pains

Things I would not wish on my worst enemy

These demons were no friend to me

I was scratching the bottom, trying to find a way out

But the only thing that filled my mind was despair and doubt

My heart was shattered, my wings were broken

A whole lot of words that were left unspoken...

I forgot how to love and I could not fly

This life of mine was passing me by

Time escaped me and before I knew

I was slowly turning into a version of you

A version of you I never wanted to be

I had to figure out how to be set free

I never had the chance to get to know the real me

Because that shadow of yours would never let me be

You once said "When I created you, I created evil"

From that point on, this would not be a sequel

I responded, "If you created evil, then you must be the devil"

You thought you could break me, you thought I would tremble

But let me just tell you, you were nothing that special

You see, I was long broken before you got to me

My soul was still mine in which you did not hold the key

I started a journey you knew nothing about

One to wonderland that with you I would go without

The day you left this earth, I was set free

Your shadow is no longer hindering me

The color is slowly returning to my veins

And with time, I will extinguish all of these pains

I want you to know that I have forgiven you

And that you should probably forgive yourself too

I once was a caterpillar, but I have formed a cocoon

I will morph into a beautiful butterfly very, very soon

A chance to know the real me, with no traces of you

Colors of all ranges, brightness and hue

My flame will be ignited for what will be the very first time

Believe you me, will it burn bright - Lord, will it shine

You tried to convince me that I was born into evil

But I was not a fool, I was not that feeble

I was born into Christ and that is MY sequel

Lord Jesus Christ is my one true lord and savior

He died on the cross to make sure I do not repeat your behavior

Metamorphosis is filled with such beautiful things

It is time for me to repair these broken wings

The ability to fly I will without a doubt regain

Farewell for now, until we meet again...

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