Currently the Weekend: There's Nothing Wrong with Loving Yourself

It's been a pretty decent weekend so far.  I ordered a bunch of shit off of Temu after already ordering a bunch of shit off Shein.  Friday, I had another chiropractic appointment - not too bad.  I went grocery shopping and picked up some other odds and ends.  Came home and put it all away.  Sat down and iced my back and used my new neck pillow for a little while that I purchased off the chiropractor to help correct my "military neck".  Gram called me and I chatted with her for a little while.  Jason got off work early and we got Pizza Hut for dinner.  Jason got the New Yorker pizza with regular and cupped pepperoni, and I got the new tavern style pizza with bacon, onion, bell pepper and olives.  Calories weren't too bad in that tavern style pizza which I was happy about.  Jay cleaned the cat boxes and helped me with the dishes.  I'm not making anything too fancy this week for dinner - just some cod with French-style green beans, mash potatoes for Jay and butternut squash for me.

Jay and I went out this morning to the Maple Bakery in Williamston - I got a banana pudding frappe and Jay got a maple iced latte.  We brought home some extra goodies.  Don't come at me with me being on this diet - moderation is key.  I ate one of their bacon cheddar jalapeno muffins and I got Jason just a regular bacon cheddar muffin.  I also got a few more things from their display case - cinnamon roll gooey bar, cookie butter gooey bar and a slice of their butter pecan cake.  Sugar galore!  I wanted to dress up today a little because I never really get the chance to.  Yeah, we only went out to the bakery but who needs a reason to dress up?  Self-care baby!  I came home and started the wash and got the bills situated. 

It's been a rainy weekend and I'm loving it!  A cardinal showed up in our backyard yesterday and it just made my heart so happy that mom's still giving us signs that she is with us.  That dress and cardigan is from Shein.  Peep some of the shirts I ordered off Temu - they are hilarious!  I also got some decals for my car coming in as well.  I'll post them when I get them and can put them on my car!  They too are hilarious!  I also got memorial decals for Jay's mom and my dad for my car's back window.  Jay's outside messing around with the lawn mower again.  I'm just in the bedroom relaxing a bit.  I'm going to change the sheets on the bed and get them ready for the next load of wash.  My debit card needs to cool off but when I get a few more paychecks, I want to order some new sheets for our bed.  I only have two sets right now to switch between.  Temu had some nice-looking sheets that had really good reviews for a decent price.  I can't overspend with having to be out of work soon for medical treatment.  I literally have only one more full week of work and one day of work the following week before I'm out of work for a little while.  I need to come up with a list of shows I'd like to watch and books I'd like to read while I'm off.  If Laura comes into town, I will probably get with her seeing as how I'll have the time off.  I wanted to see Twisters in the movie theater, but I think I might wait until that comes out on stream.  I definitely want to see Beetle Juice 2 in theaters!  Okay, I definitely over did it on the sugar intake today.  Oops!  Well, I got my bed changed and at least I didn't eat the sugar before I went to bed!  🙈

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