Weekend Stuff and Things

Do we not go back and add the title of the blog post sometimes after we generate the post?  There are days when I'm not sure what the title should be beforehand.  Sometimes I have to go back, choosing a title that is befitting based off the content of the post for that day.  Any who - just a little side thought there.  I mean, are titles necessary all the time?  Or even at all?  

Friday, I had my first appointment with the chiropractor.  They took X-rays, did a physical exam and consult, gave me my first adjustment followed by some TENS therapy with ice and then applied some Bio Freeze.  According to her evaluation of the x-ray, I have military neck.  So, my neck is straight rather than having a curve.  She said my spine is also pulling to the left.  She made notice of the degenerative disc and facet issues I'm having but also that one of my vertebrae where one of the discs is going degenerative has a burr on it.  Also, my hips are uneven.  I've been icing my back on and off all weekend so far.  

I had to take Cali to the vet last minute because she contracted a really bad ear infection.  The vet had to give her a long-lasting antibiotic injection.  I have to give her Prednisone daily for about a week as well as ear ointment twice a day for about a week.  I didn't have time to eat until I got done with all of that, so I treated myself to some Zaxby's.  I got three chicken tacos and some very delicious fried cheesecake bites with strawberry sauce.  I was nice and saved Jay like three pieces of the cheesecake bites.

Jay went outside and worked on the lawn mower deck this morning.  I took a shower and did some dishes.  We took Jay's dad out to lunch today at The Clock.  I got a ribeye steak salad w/ blue cheese dressing.  Then I came home and watched the new Mean Girls on my free-trial Amazon Prime and did some actual shopping on Amazon.  Jay wanted a new phone case for his phone and I needed to get a full-size ice pack for my back.  I came home and had a peaches and cream Italian ice.

I later made some low carb pizza roll-ups with no sugar added Ragu sauce to dip them in for dinner.  They came out so good!  Jay and I watched the movie, "The Idea of You".  It was a pretty decent movie.  I just have laundry to do to finish off my weekend and Monday I've got to get Jay some shampoo and arm-deodorant.  I'm caught up on all of our bills until next pay period.  I'm going to grill up some chicken and toss it in some yum-yum sauce and make noodles and veggies to go with it - kind of like a hibachi dish.   I go back to work Tuesday from being on bereavement for my gg.  I go back out on the 30th for my first set of medial branch blocks along with chiropractic care.

And that's all at the moment.  I'm going to try to get some reading in at some point this weekend.

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