Weekend Re-cap: 4th of July Shenanigans

I had the most wonderful weekend that I've had in a long time.

I worked on the 4th of July but that most certainly did not stop me from enjoying my weekend!  After I got off from work, Jason and I went to Imperial Grill (Chinese buffet) and then we headed to Seneca to see a tribute band for Journey called Departure - they were amazing!  We stayed for the fireworks show and it definitely did not disappoint.  We got home about 10:30-11 p.mish.  I got up fairly early on Friday and went grocery shopping.  I wanted to get out before the masses.  It rained out Saturday, but we managed to get the grill into the carport and had a nice little cookout.  We wanted to get with Jay's dad for the holiday, but my back was hurting more so than usual due to the rain and being on my monthly.  I actually had Jason manning the grill for the most part so that I could rest.  Rest assured; he was still being supervised!  LOL!  We grilled up some bacon wrapped hot dogs, cheeseburgers and corn on the cob.  I made a macaroni salad and we also had coleslaw.  I came across some Keto hamburger buns from Nature's Own and they were actually pretty good!  I chopped up some lettuce, tomato and onion for the burgers as well as brought a jar of hamburger pickles.  It all turned out pretty good.  We cleaned up the house and rested for the remainder of the weekend.  We are making plans to take Jay's dad out this coming weekend to a place of his choosing.

Here's a photo dump from the weekend.

Jason and I also went out and got the part he needed to fix the lawn mower deck.  I made a couple small purchases for the house and finally put out our door mat that I had made with our fur babies on it.

Here's all the things we cooked out this weekend.  Everything turned out really good!  We have leftovers for the week, so I don't have to cook dinner!

Here's a few videos of the tribute band for Journey (Departure):

Unfortunately, I can't post the rest of the fireworks show because the video length exceeds the amount I can upload.  But the rest of the fireworks show was amazing!!  One of the best I've ever seen in person.  I was very grateful that Jason took me out for this because he didn't really want to be around all of those people.  I think they estimated like eight thousand people that came out!  Crazy!  Half-way through the fireworks, we got in line to leave once they started letting people go which happened right after the finally.  We didn't want to get stuck in all that traffic! 

I hope everyone had a safe a lovely 4th of July!  I know I did!

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