Monday Noodles and Musings or Monday Musings and Noodles - Same thing, am I right?

Today was my last day off from being on bereavement for my gg who passed away.  She passed away thirty days after my father.  I go back to work tomorrow until July 30th and then I go back out to start my procedures with my back.  I'm not sure if I'm just going to do the one set of medial branch block or have my FMLA/STD extended and have both of them done.  I guess I'm going to have the first one done and go from there and if I need to extend my leave, my doctor will handle that.

For the most part, I just putzed around the house again today.  I finished the laundry, cooked for the week, did dishes and vacuumed.  I read a couple chapters of the book I'm reading here and there in between all of my chores.  I grilled some chicken up and boiled lo-mien noodles for Jay and high-protein spaghetti for myself.  I also sauteed up some zucchini, onions, broccoli and mushrooms and tossed everything in some yum-yum sauce with a little bit of sesame oil.  Jay doesn't like many veggies, so he just got chicken, yum-yum sauce and noodles for his.

I managed to shower before Jay got home.  So, I'm just finishing up this post and I'm going to read some more of my book while Jay showers.  After we are done eating dinner, I'll dive back into my book.  Like I mentioned, once I'm done with the book, I'll do a review post on it.  I'm so incredibly wrapped up in it!  Cali is doing much better after dealing with a pretty nasty ear infection.  I go back to the chiropractor Friday.  Oh, I forgot - we took Jay's dad out to lunch on Saturday which was nice.  I'm glad we could get him out of the house for a bit.  It's supposed to rain all weekend, so it will be a lazy weekend in the house for sure.  Nothing else new for now.

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