The Sunday That Was Nothing Special

Sunday was mostly boring.

Jason went outside to manually cut the grass because the riding lawn mower is still out of order.  He just cut the front yard so that no one would complain and besides, the backyard wasn't too bad.  To be honest, I slept most of Sunday away.  I woke up kind of early and realized that Jason was still sleeping, so I laid back down myself and to my surprise, I did not wake up until around 3 p.m.  I made some food - sub in a tub to be exact and we both had a peaches and cream Italian ice a little while afterwards.  I ordered an ice pack that is large enough to cover my whole back due to the fact that I will be undergoing some treatment for my back, and I know that I'm going to require icing it at some point(s).  I stayed up late last night because I finally got the time to engage in some reading.  I'm reading a book called, "All the Little Raindrops" by Mia Sheridan and oh my, is it good.  When I finish it, I will be sure to do a review!  I went from chapter 6 to chapter 30 in all one sitting.  I couldn't stop reading and even found my eyes jumping lines wanting to know the next bit of dialogue between characters.  I skimmed through chapter 30 really quick to see how long of a chapter it was and decided that I'd save chapter 30 for tomorrow - it was a decent stopping point for now too.  I was very cold last night.  Jason likes to keep the house set to 73 degrees.  I had to put my robe on plus have two blankets on top of me to be comfortable when it's in the 90's outside!  I read for like 4-5 hours last night and didn't end up taking my robe off until I went to bed.

I ordered a 2-XL because I'm still in the early stages of my weight loss journey and figured if I got smaller that I could always just tighten it.  Well, to say the least, this is not a 2-XL.  Maybe in China it is, but definitely not by American standards.  Either way, it can still be used, and I can secure it to myself once I lose some more weight.  That sub in a tub was amazing by the way!  That's all I really have for Sunday.  Nothing special.  I just putzed around the house and did some small things like dishes, making lunch and starting laundry.

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