10 Things Thursday: What I'm Looking Forward to from Now until the End of Next Year

Progressing in my healing journey - like I've mentioned several times, it's been a tough road for me this past year.  I've watched my mother-in-law go from being in a coma (fully intubated), to coming out of it and seeming like she was making progress, to her back sliding in her progress and then coming home and passing away about a week later.  It hasn't been easy - it put a whole entire stop on our lives and turned them completely upside down.  She was a great mother and my best-friend who I could tell just about anything to.  No matter where I'm at in my healing journey, my heart will always be heavy having lost her and there isn't a single day that will go by where I won't miss her.

Working on my happiness and inner peace - I'm working on this little by little, day by day.  It's definitely difficult when you've had so many life experiences that have shown you how ugly the world and the people in it can truly be.  I'm not saying the whole world and everyone in it is ugly - I'm just saying that I've had some experiences that have caused my significant trauma to where I'm more cautious than the average person.  Yes, I know - I'm not the only one who has gone through some shit but damn, am I allowed to just speak for myself here?  We all process things differently - some things are harder for others to go through.

Working on my general health - This one continues to be a challenge.  I have a lot of issues with anxiety, depression and stress as far as my mental health goes.  I also suffer from PTSD and have panic attack disorder.  This all leads to me having issues with binge eating as a crutch to get through it all.  I'd like to take time to work on both my mental and physical health.  I'm not quite sure how to go about it.  I'm very overwhelmed when it comes to this because I have extreme restrictions due to medical issues on what I can and can't do.

Making my home more "homier" - I've been thinking a lot about this one.  There are quite a few things I'd like to do in our house.  We've talked about re-doing in the floors, resurfacing the fireplace, painting, re-doing counter-tops, sinks, showers, buying new furniture, etc.  It's all very exciting and I think after almost 8 years of living in this house, we deserve to make it our own.

Taking a very much needed vacation - We weren't able to take a vacation this year due to Jay's mom passing away - we had to attend her funeral instead.  I started a new job as soon as I returned back to town without much time to grieve, let alone relax.  Jay and I like the beach, so more than likely, we will be going to the beach next year.

Saving money better - I'm getting better at this, but I'd like to save more money if possible.  I'm working on paying down my credit cards.  We have a lot of things we'd like to do in our home which takes a lot of money, but I know it will be worth it!

Starting my resin art business - I tried to do a custom decoden art phone case business last year and it didn't quite work out for me, so I've been researching what I might like to try next.  Note to self: Start small incase it doesn't work out!  I want to make custom charchuterie boards, shot glass holder paddles, coasters and their respective holders, accessories to go with the charchuterie boards, wine glass stoppers, cutting boards, etc...I love art and I love creating things!

Hopefully getting married (finally) - Everyone knows I already call Jay my husband because we have been together going on 13 years.  We aren't legally married, however.  We are hoping to change that within the next year or so!

Quitting vaping - This has also been a struggle because I use it as a coping mechanism for my stress.  I'm hoping to quit soon in hopes of bettering my health and my habits!

Getting out more - This is hard coming from someone who is an introvert.  I prefer to stay in as I'm a home body, but I also like going out from time to time.  It's also hard having chronic anxiety and depression.

There are many more things I'd like to work on - this is definitely not an exhaustive list.  This is merely just a basic self-guide reference of things I'd like to work on over the next year.

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