You'd Never Believe Me If I Told You

 Happy Saturday, folks!

Work was pretty good this past week.  I decided to take a PTO day from work on Thursday and schedule me an emergency appointment to have my right big toenail removed because it just kept getting infected.  Friday's is OT for me so if I take a Thursday off, I also get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off.  I also took this Monday off just in case.  Seeing how I was getting a surgical procedure done, I wanted time to heal.  So, Thursday morning I took off to the podiatrist, thinking I was just going to get a toenail removed.  When the doctor came in to look at my feet, she told me that the infected toe had a tumor.  Excuse me - what?  Yes.  You read that right - a tumor.  I was just as shocked as you are reading this right now.  Apparently, you can get benign tumors in your body from trauma, and you can also get a tumor in your toe at that!

While I was there, we discussed the treatment plan for the other three toenails.  At first, I was convinced that I wanted them all removed, and chemical burned for permanent removal because I'm sick and tired of them growing back in wrong, getting infected and having to keep getting them removed.  She told me that I might want to explore other options first before doing a permanent removal because there is no going back after that.  With the way insurance works now, you can only get one toenail removed at a time.  Each toenail removal requires a 2-week post-op follow-up.  We discussed this new method of corrective putty that will hopefully train the toenail to grow in properly.  This takes place roughly four months after the toenails have been removed, so with that being said, I need to schedule these other three removals back-to-back.  The goal is to get one removed at each post-op follow-up appointment from the previous removal.  I e-mailed my boss and let him know about the plan and to see if it was something he could help me out with.  I'll be off work Monday as well so I will be speaking with my doctor's nurse at some point to go over the plan and see if it's something she'd be on board with.

I changed my bedding over and did tons of laundry.  We're just going to eat Salisbury steaks this week for dinner with roasted red potatoes, corn and coleslaw.  Isabelle hung out with me through all my household chores yesterday from changing the bedding to doing the laundry - she was mad when I took the socks away from her! LOL!  Then she wore herself out and found herself a nice comfy blanket on the bed to rest on.  I came back into the bedroom after starting the first load of laundry and found this:

Jay hates when I take pictures of him sleeping, but when he has all three of my fur babies with him, how can I not get them all in the same picture!  Jay went out to cut the grass while I was inside getting things done.  Once he got all showered up, we went and got Burger King then came home to eat dinner and watch Black Sheep with Chris Farley and David Spade.  The first soak I did on my toe yesterday absolutely sucked!  The gauze was stuck to my toe, and I had to basically pry it off.  I did so under the water I was soaking in, and it still hurt like a bitch.

I dozed off early last night then woke up and ate a pint of Ben and Jerry's at 3 a.m. because my throat was incredibly sore and also, why not?  That's one of the many perks of being an adult - you can do what you want, when you want.  Tomorrow I'm going to do another load of laundry and get a few other things done around the house.  I'm probably going to make us grilled cheese for lunch with some tomato soup then we are having fish sticks for dinner!  I haven't had them in long time, so I thought, "Why not?"  I'm also going to prepare our sides for our dinner for the week and get them all cooked up.  The Salisbury steak is just in a frozen pack that can be done up in the microwave, so I'm going to just pop them in fresh.  I know, I know - frozen meal but I'm just tired of actually cooking and just wanted a break from it.

I hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend.

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