Yesterday was a Good Day at Work

It was decent.  I'm processing and reflecting on my own behavior and praying for guidance from God.  I'm actively working on my behavior and practicing mindfulness.  I'm learning through this journey that attitude is everything and can either make you or break you.  My transition toward a better attitude lead toward me having a better day at work.  I know it won't always be easy and it can be quite exhausting for someone who is both an introvert and someone who constantly battles with anxiety and depression but I know the more I proactively practice this, it will become easier.

I got off from work and made steaks on the grill for Jay and I's dinner.  I watched a really good movie called, "Happiness for Beginners" which was uplifting!  I had a wonderful lunch with my co-workers today.  I also had the pleasure of having a couple good conversations with some co-workers that made me feel better.  I wore makeup today and got compliments on it which was nice.

I ordered two of these tumblers from a TikToker and she just sent my package out today!!

My mother-in-law would totally be proud of me for ordering the last one for myself!  I have to get ready for bed because 4 a.m comes early ya'll but just wanted to post a little update!

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