Weekend Wind-Down: Weekends Don't Last Long Enough

I had a three-day weekend as I'm on a rotation every other Friday for overtime.  It sure was nice but makes me dread the weeks where I have to work Friday's.  I slept a lot on Friday - I've been just completely exhausted and really not feeling too well lately.  I also worked on some phone cases for myself.  I'm trying my hand at the decoden again to see if I can get it right.  I will be testing durability over the next few weeks with the cases that I made for myself.  But I mostly just got rest and did household chores this weekend.  I made a pizza pasta casserole that came out absolutely delicious!  I'm definitely making it again.

Last week my co-worker invited me to join her Facebook live for a company's jewelry she sells called Paparazzi.  I wasn't really interested at first, but I got sucked in!  I'm going to be purchasing more jewelry from her in the near future.  I purchased a whole set the second time I watched her live.

I absolutely LOVE that stars and moon collection, especially the earrings!  But anyway, Saturday babe cut the grass and then later on we got Burger King for dinner.  The Burger King that we normally go to was only accepting cash, so we went to the other one in town and their food sucked!  The fries were okay, but my chicken sandwich was definitely cooked with old oil - gross!  Other than that, I just played a lot of Farmville 2 and relaxed.  Jay and I watched Napoleon Dynamite while we ate dinner.  I've been dealing with a cyst that has been growing near my private area - I've been treating it with soaks and warm compresses, and it has gone down a little.  It's not so sore anymore.

Cali let me cut her nails today even though she bit me once - which was okay because it wasn't a true bite, more like a warning nip, but she did really good for the most part.  I worked on my blog some today, like the actual layout formatting.  I'm so rusty with HTML but I figured it out - ya know, just trying to get things where I want them or don't want them.  My goal is to make this blog like my own little home on the internet, a place I can be comfy, that I can call mine.  That was pretty much my weekend in a nutshell.

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