Things I Need to Do That I Keep Forgetting About

I'm awful at remembering things, especially when I feel like they are things that I can put on the back burner for more important things.  That being said, here are the things I need to do that I keep forgetting about:

☐ Schedule vet appointments for fur babies that are due to go

☐ Schedule Rebel for a haircut

☐ Schedule myself for a haircut

☐ Schedule myself a pap smear

I can really do the two middle ones at the same time.  PetSmart and Great Clips are in the same plaza.  So, one Friday I have off, I can knock them two off at the same time.  I need to schedule the fur babies for their check-up/vaccination appointment as well.  I could do that tomorrow when I also make my phone call to the podiatrist.  If I'm being honest, I've been putting off the pap smear but I'm going to call and schedule that as well tomorrow.  I have a week off in October, so I think that's when I'll get that done and over with.  I hate going for a pap smear as I think most women do...but it's something that has to get done, nonetheless.

I guess I just made this post to mostly remind myself not to forget about doing these things because low and behold, it'd be bound to happen!

I think what's on today's agenda is just a few more household chores and relaxation.

Happy Sunday ya'll!  Whatever it is you need to get done, I hope you do!

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