Mid-Week Catch-up: It's Been a Crazy Week Ya'll!


When I tell ya'll it's been a crazy week - It's been a CRAZY week!  It messed up all the plans I had to blog, so I apologize that I'm just now getting the opportunity to post!  Monday, we got a bad storm here in South Carolina where I live - trees were down everywhere and our power went out right after I warmed up my dinner.  I had to take a slight detour going home as there was a two-ton tree down in the middle of one of the roads that I take to get home from work.  Our power came back on about 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday.  When I was leaving work Tuesday afternoon, they had the main road closed down due to a tree down on some power lines.  What is usually a 15-minute drive home, took me a little over an hour - traffic was bumper to bumper.  So, to say the least, I've had an aggravating beginning to my week.  Supposedly we are supposed to be getting more storm like weather tomorrow that's going to be like Monday's storm and I'm dreading it because the storm we had on Monday looked like a tornado ripped through our town!

But work has been going much better for me.  I've been practicing being mindful all week and it's really paid off.  I realized that I don't have to be so angry and bitter all the time.  Life's been really tough for me lately having lost my mother-in-law back in April and I've been walking around with this really heavy chip on my shoulder because of it.  I don't want to be an ugly person and I'm still struggling to get through it.  I'm just taking it day by day.  Yesterday our crew-coordinator put me working with this wonderful woman named Casey and I've really been enjoying working with her - we've been having some really nice conversations at work.  I could definitely see myself being friends with her!  

We had a really good meal today at work!  And tomorrow we are getting an hour lunch because they are going to have two food trucks on site, and we get to tour the brand-new building they built next door which is super cool - that's where our suture department is going to be.

This past weekend, Jay and I binged on Taco Bell and Ben and Jerry's ice cream.  I also made home-made beef stroganoff.  I had to work over-time this past Friday, but we got off a little early which was nice.  I have this Friday off, so happy three-day weekend to me!  Yay!  Oh - and I purchased tickets for Jay, Jay's dad and I to go watch the Tour of Destruction on October 28th.  I'm excited!!

I love comfy weekends in the house!

This was just too cute - my whole entire world in one picture! ๐Ÿ˜Š

My mom also went to my grandfather's and mother-in-law's grave this past weekend.  She put flowers on both of them from me since I can't be there.  Look how pretty my mother-in-law's grave is right now!

My mom did a wonderful job! ๐Ÿ’—

I haven't been feeling the best this past week as I've been dealing with migraines but I'm getting through it.  I've been in a lot of pain lately and very tired.  But other than that, I've been having a great week other than the few inconveniences that frustrated me on my way home from work.  One more workday to get through before my much-needed three-day weekend!! 

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