Things That Aggravate Me In A Public Restroom

This is a silly post, but I know that we ALL share public restroom frustrations!  So, without further ado, let's begin!

Toilet flushes a second or third time before you can even get out of the stall - Look, I'm slow getting myself back together after I'm finished using the toilet - you don't need to let the rest of the people in the restroom know that toilet...or thinking, "what is that girl flushing down that toilet that she needs to flush two or three times?"

Water won't stay on long enough to finish washing hands - 20 seconds is the appropriate amount of time to spend washing your hands, not 5.  Then you try to reactive the sensor, waving your hand in front of it like an idiot and it still doesn't want to come back on!

Paper towel dispenser never puts out a long enough paper towel - I have fat hands, I often have to use two sheets of paper towel to get my hands completely dry.

Stall won't lock - Then you have to come back out of it without having done your business like an idiot to change stalls.

Spaces in stall are big enough for people to see through - There is a door on it for a reason - for privacy!  I don't want people to be able to see through it!

Toilets are too high or too low - If my feet aren't on the ground while sitting on the toilet, there is a problem.  If I feel like I'm sitting on the ground while sitting on the toilet, this is also a problem.

Stalls are too small - If my legs are hitting the stall wall or toilet paper dispenser while I'm trying to wipe myself, this is also yet again a problem.

Sink water is set to cold - This annoys me because how does cold water actually clean your hands?

Toilet paper is too tight on roller so you can only pull one square at a time - This is so frustrating, especially when you can't even get a full square without it ripping!

Stall is out of toilet paper - I can't tell you how many times I've already done my business just to find there is no toilet paper in the stall.  Eventually, I became smart enough to check the stall beforehand.

Toilet is dirty - Seeing someone else's business left in the toilet is just disgusting because they didn't flush or clogged the toilet, shit smeared on the seat or dribbles of pee on the seat!  UGH!

Strands of hair in the sink - I don't know why but this skeeves me out!

Am I missing anything or did I cover it all?

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