Common Misconceptions V.S Facts about Introverts (Introvert Series: Part 2)

Introverts Don't Like People - This is not at all true and is a very broad statement.  However, we do tend to avoid people who come baring negativity in any form, especially conflict or drama.  Overly socializing can cause us anxiety so imagine adding conflict or drama to that mix.  We don't mind people in general but prefer that if we are going to be around people, to refrain from large crowds.

Introverts Are Shy - I can definitely attest that this is 110% a myth.  And if you ARE shy, it's got nothing to do with being an introvert.  Being quiet for an introvert can mean a lot of things.  When I'm introduced to a new group of people (EX: Starting a new job), I'm quiet as to observe my environment and the people in it, being cautious.  Once I get a feel for the people that I'll be around, I will socialize but it's not due to being shy - it's a self-protection tactic.  We just don't like to be the center of attention and public speaking is definitely not our thing!

Introverts Are Unhappy and Unapproachable - This also is 110% a myth.  Whether someone is dealing with depression or has bouts of being unapproachable has nothing to do with being an introvert.  I have chronic mental health issues with anxiety, depression, stress and PTSD - not to mention all my physical ailments, so if I'm personally seemingly unhappy or unapproachable, it's usually due to my disorders flaring up, not the fact that I'm an introvert.

Introverts Never Like to Go Out - Again, not true.  I do prefer to mostly stay in as I'm a homebody, but I do also like going out from time to time.  I enjoy going on vacations and select events. 

Introverts are Difficult and Like to Argue - WRONG!  This is actually the exact opposite.  We don't like conflict and avoid it at all costs.  In fact, if we get the sense that YOU are the arguing type, we'll just let you go on thinking you're right even if you're wrong.

The thing about being an introvert is most people associate it with negative personality traits and can't decipher the difference between what is part of a general personality characteristic and what is part of a cause to a situation.  Usually, people are ignorant on the things they choose not to educate themselves about - that's a fact!

Now that we have covered some misconceptions, let's get into the actual facts of being an introvert versus an extrovert!  Knowledge is power!

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